Insight-driven product portfolio and a culture of engineering solutions designed for customer delight beyond industry averages.

Financial Results






Shareholding Pattern                                                                      





Corporate Information for Investor


Ecoplast Limited

CIN: L25200GJ 1981PLC004375
Registered Office: National Highway No.8,
Water Works Cross Road,
Abrama-Valsad 396002, Gujarat.


Compliance Officer : Mr. Rakesh kumar Kumawat .

Tel. : +91 9879554138

Registrars and Share Transfer Agents :

Link Intime India Private Limited , Registered Office:  C-101, 1st Floor, 247 Park L.B.S. Marg, Vikhroli (West) ,Mumbai – 400083

Tel: +91-22-66568484

Fax: +91-22-66568494

Email :[email protected]


Memorandum of  Association.

Articles of  Association.


Investors Education and Protection Fund

      Details of Unclaimed Dividend as on 31/03/2024
Details of Nodal Officer

Name of Nodal Officer : Rakesh Kumar Kumawat

Email Address : [email protected]

Intimation and announcement  






Notice under section 160                                                    


Notice of Board Meeting     


Resignation of Director                                                    



Criteria for making payment to Non-executive directors

Extract from Remuneration Policy of the Company

(2) NEDs:

  • NEDs shall be entitled to such sitting fees as may be decided by the Board of Directors from time to time for attending the meeting of the Board and of the Committee thereof.
  • NEDs shall also be entitled for payment of commission, if any, as upto the limits permitted in Section 197 of the Companies Act, 2013 and approved by the shareholders from time to time.
  • IDs shall not be eligible for any Stock Options, pursuant to any Stock Option Plan adopted by the Company.
  • The NEDs shall be eligible for remuneration of such professional services rendered if in the opinion of the NRC, the NED possesses the requisite qualification for rendering such professional services.

Board Committees

I. Audit Committee
Sr.No. Name of Director Position on Committee Nature of Directorship
1. Mr. Bikash Ranjan Tarafdar Chairman Independent Director
2. Mr. Monil Vijay Shah Member Independent Director
3. Mrs. Charulata N. Patel Member Non-executive Director
II. Nomination & Remuneration Committee
Sr.No. Name of Director Position on Committee Nature of Directorship
1. Mr. Monil Vijay Shah Chairman Independent Director
2. Mr. Bikash Ranjan Tarafdar Member Independent Director
3. Mrs. Charulata Patel Member  Non-executive Director
III. Stakeholders Relationship Committee
Sr.No. Name of Director Position on Committee Nature of Directorship
1. Mr. Bikash Ranjan Tarafdar Chairman Independent Director
2. Mr. Jaymin B. Desai Member Managing Director
3. Mr. Monil Vijay Shah Member Independent Director

Familiarization Programme of Independent Directors

Contact details of KMP

Contact details of Key Managerial Personnel authorised for the Purpose of determining materiality of an event or information and making disclosures to the Stock Exchange(s)

[As required under Regulation 30(5) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015


Sr.No. Name of Director Designation Contact details
1. Mr. Jaymin B. Desai Managing Director 9879554138 [email protected]
2. Mr. Setu Rushi Parikh Chief Financial Officer 9879551438 [email protected]
3. Mr. Rakesh Kumar Kumawat Company Secretary & Compliance Officer 9879551438 [email protected]